Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mind Power through Quantum Physics

Mind Power through Quantum Physics

You might be surprised of what does mind power have to do with quantum physics. Well, it has and this profound study is not only about mind power, it’s about everything: you, me, the cat and even the entire universe. Everything that you can see, touch, smell, hear and taste can be explained through quantum physics.
What is quantum physics?
Quantum Physics is the study of the building blocks of the universe; the science that explains how everything in the world comes into existence. It basically deals with the tiny little things that build up the entire world.
Everything that you see is not solid as they might appear. Back to the school in Physics 101 class, we were taught that every solid object is made up of molecules and molecules in turn are made up of atoms. So that’s mean your hand or the chair that you are sitting on now is made up of atoms which are so small that cannot be seen with your naked eyes. Atoms which once considered as the smallest things ever existed are in turn made up of subatomic particles, which have no solidity at all. They are, quite literally, packets or waves of information and concentration of ENERGY. So your hand or the chair that you are sitting in is nothing but energy and information. And at this level, welcome to the quantum world, where everything is at possibility.
This might be hard to grasp at first; I was at the same junction as you were now. How could everything that appears to be solid is made up of energy? Well, that’s simply because every event that occurs in the quantum level is at the speed of light (note: light travels at a speed of 299,792 kilometers per second) and which at this speed, it is beyond the capability of our senses to process everything in detail. This phenomenon creates an illusion that makes us perceive thing as solid even though in reality they really aren’t. So what is the reality?
For that, it could be said that the entire physical world that you are in including yourself is made up of nothing but energy that vibrating at different frequencies. What makes the difference between you and me or the chair is the difference frequency that each of us are vibrating. Again, I know this is hard to accept but yet this is the truth.
If you can’t buy into the above idea, let’s look at Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E = MC2. Energy (E) equals to Mass (M) times the Speed of Light (C) squared. This equation simply tells us that both energy and matter (mass) refers to the same thing only in different forms, energy equals to mass. Everything that’s visible in the entire universe is a manifestation of the energy and information.
I hope that you don’t get lost in the quantum world. Here’s another fact about subatomic particles.
One of the most fascinating facts about subatomic particles which is also known as quanta is that, they are not either particles and waves; they are both. In trying to measure the properties of subatomic particles, a group of scientist discovered that, depending on what they were trying to measure, they found out that these quanta were particles when a particle-measuring equipment was used and on the other hand, these quanta were wave when a wave-measuring equipment was used. The most astounding fact about this is an atom has no wavelike properties and a wave has no particlelike properties. They are two totally opposing stuffs.
Whatever the scientist wanted it to be, it was. Or in other words, the scientist determined the result of the experiment through their participation in choosing the equipment of measurement. The subatomic particles became whatever they were trying to measure and thus, the reality was shaped by them!
Now you could see that everything is connected to everything else. Your mind shapes up your reality (as what the scientists discovered in the experiment). The world is not actually out there, it is inside you and you choose your world by simply seeing the world the way you see it in your mind, just like the scientists trying to measure the properties of subatomic particles. You can influence the result of your world by changing the way you see it. Energy has no form and your mind shape them as you go along observing them.
Lastly, the subatomic particles discovery also leads to the famous quote, “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand” and that’s pretty amazing.